Graeme Murray(編) Poiesis - Concerning Nature Poem The Infinite ポイエシス 無限の自然詩について 洋書 Fruitmarket Gallery
Poiesis - Concerning Nature Poem The Infinite ポイエシス 無限の自然詩について 洋書
著者 Graeme Murray(編)
出版社 Fruitmarket Gallery
刊行年 1992
ページ数 108pages
サイズ 23*17cm
解説 B+ 箔押し、三方金装。表紙少キズ、端ヨレ少、ページ目立つイタミなし
A Qualith of Dancing: The San Jose Canyon Works, 19723 by Thomas Joshua Cooper; Aristotle the Naturalist by D'Arcy E. Thompson; Cristobal Martin Hernandez; Ian Hamilton Finlay; Poetry and the Space Beyond by Thomas A. Clark; Flowers by Mary Ellen Solt; Flowers and Fragments by Francis Edeline; Two Pointsettias by Simon Cutts; Four Walks by Thoms A. Clark; Lore Bert; Pieter Laurens Mol; David Susten; The Journey of the Soul by Abu Bakr Muhammad bin Tufail; Maurizio Nannucci; The General Principles of Sufism by Sirdar Ikbal ali Shah; Rogelio Lopez Cuenca; Robert Lax; Gilbert Fastenaekens; After the Russian by Ian Hamilton Finlay